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Summary of the 2025 National Budget and Its Implications for Aviation Development

The Norwegian government’s 2025 national budget emphasizes key measures to advance the transformation of the aviation sector in line with both national and international climate targets. The government is committed to accelerating the shift towards zero- and low-emission aviation, leveraging Norway’s unique decentralized airport infrastructure and strong regional air traffic market to position the country as a prime testing ground for new aviation technologies.

Key highlights from the 2025 budget for aviation include:

Zero- and Low-Emission Aviation Development

The government has allocated NOK 50 million to initiatives under Avinor and the Civil Aviation Authority of Norway (Luftfartstilsynet) to reduce barriers to testing and demonstrating zero- and low-emission aircraft. These funds will support the creation of necessary infrastructure and regulatory frameworks, enabling Norway to become a leading international testing hub for green aviation technologies.

Norway is also aligning with European Union regulations, particularly the ReFuelEU Aviation initiative, which mandates a 2% blend of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) starting in January 2025. However, challenges remain regarding SAF integration into the EU’s carbon credit system, a hurdle the government aims to address to ensure Norway’s competitiveness in the aviation sector.

Funding for New Airports and Airport Relocation

The 2025 budget includes significant investments in new airport infrastructure:

Mo i Rana Airport: NOK 1.233 billion has been allocated to the construction of a new airport, with completion expected by 2026. The total project cost is estimated at NOK 5.072 billion, and construction is already underway.

Bodø Airport Relocation: NOK 1.283 billion will be directed towards the relocation and construction of a new airport in Bodø, with an estimated total cost of NOK 8.022 billion. The new Bodø airport is slated for a trial run in 2029, with a full opening expected by 2030. This move is crucial for future-proofing the region’s aviation infrastructure, with a new helicopter rescue base also being funded by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security.

A Step Forward for Green Aviation

The budget’s allocation of NOK 50 million to kickstart the development of zero- and low-emission aircraft in Norway is a key milestone in the country’s ambition to become a global leader in sustainable aviation. By facilitating infrastructure and regulatory support, Norway is positioning itself as an attractive destination for international aviation companies looking to test and demonstrate innovative technologies.

This budget demonstrates a clear commitment to developing a more sustainable aviation sector, while also addressing the infrastructure needs of key regions like Bodø and Mo i Rana. The steps taken in this budget are crucial for laying the foundation for Norway’s leadership in green aviation for years to come.

Looking Ahead

With investments in green aviation and new infrastructure, Norway is setting the stage for long-term growth in both domestic and international aviation. The prioritization of sustainable solutions and cutting-edge technologies positions the country to become a key player in the future of global aviation.

-Project Manager Einar Sørensen


GREEN AVIATION, Hovednyhet, Uncategorized

Under Arendalsuka ble det arrangert en viktig møteplass med tittelen “Nord-Norge – En arktisk pilot i grønn luftfart,” som trakk fullt hus og stor interesse fra både politikere, næringsliv og forskningsmiljøer. Arrangementet, ledet av Lofoten De Grønne Øyene i samarbeid med prosjektpartnere BLU (Bodø Lufthavnutvikling), Energi i Nord, UiT Norges arktiske universitet og Nordland Fylkeskommune, satte fokus på den kritiske betydningen av grønn luftfart for fremtidig samfunns- og næringsutvikling i Nord-Norge. 

Stinn brakke og engasjerende diskusjoner 

Det var stinn brakke da prosjektet inviterte til diskusjon om satsningen på grønn luftfart. Arrangementet viste at Nord-Norge er i fronten når det gjelder utvikling av bærekraftig luftfart, og at regionen har både vilje og evne til å være en ledende aktør på dette området. 

Statssekretær Bent-Joacim Bentzen fra Samferdselsdepartementet deltok og diskuterte rundt det at regjeringen har satt av 1 milliard kroner i Nasjonal Transportplan for utvikling av grønn luftfart. «Ingen andre europeiske land har gjort dette før oss, altså å sette av så mye penger til grønn luftfart» sa han. Bentzen roste prosjektet for å sette ambisiøse mål og jobbe systematisk for å nå dem.  

Viktige spørsmål og diskusjoner 

I paneldebatten ble flere viktige spørsmål stilt, noe som utløste livlige diskusjoner. Et sentralt spørsmål omhandlet hvordan regjeringen planlegger å bruke FOT-kontraktene til å fremme grønn luftfart, og når vi kan forvente en innfasing av null- og lavutslippsfly på disse rutene. Dette førte til en diskusjon om viktigheten av å tilrettelegge for infrastruktur som kan støtte grønn luftfart, spesielt i Nord-Norge, der luftfarten er avgjørende for samfunnssikkerheten. 

Et annet viktig spørsmål som ble reist var om hvilken betydning det vil ha for norsk luftfart dersom SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) produseres i Nord-Norge. Diskusjonen fremhevet at Nord-Norge, med sine unike geografiske og klimatiske forhold, er ideell for testing og utvikling av grønn luftfartsteknologi. Paneldeltakerne var enige om at det å produsere bærekraftig drivstoff lokalt vil være en stor fordel for hele landet, og at produksjon av bærekraftig drivstoff er mer moden enn det å produsere elektriske fly. 

Hva er nærmest, helelektriske flymaskiner eller er bærekraftig drivstoff? 

Debatten dreier seg nå om hvordan vi skal nå det nasjonale målet om utslippsfri luftfart innen 2050. Helelektriske flykonsepter er gjerne små fly, mens hybride løsninger sees på større fly med hydrogen som energibærer eller rekkeviddeforlenger.   

Norsk Elfly sine planer om å utvikle sjøfly som kan lande i og lette fra sjø og rullebane er spenstige og godt i gang. Politikere og kunder er klare til å satse, og støtter målet om å produsere det første helelektriske sjøflyet med båtskrog innen 2030. Kanskje blir dette den nye helelektriske flybussen i Nord-Norge?  

Utviklingen går fort, men likevel ikke fort nok. Luftfartsbransjen er i ferd med å enes om at klimanøytralt og bærekraftig drivstoff er et nødvendig trinn på veien til utslippsfri luftfart. Bærekraftig drivstoff er enkelt å gå over til og har enormt potensial, men er svært dyrt og kraftkrevende å produsere og på ingen måte kostnadseffektivt nok til bred implementering. 

Norge-Norge er en av få regioner som kan produsere bærekraftig drivstoff på rimeligst måte. Norsk E-Fuel i Mosjøen satser på å produsere en syntetisk drivstoffløsning for fly, hvilket fremstår som både spennende og nært forestående. Det krever fortsatt hardt og målrettet arbeid for å styrke verdikjeden og samarbeidet med flybransjen for at Nord-Norge kan realisere sitt potensial som avgjørende produsent av bærekraftig drivstoff i nær tilknytning til et omfattende kortbanenett og en befolkning som flyr mer enn andre.   

Nord-Norge som pilotregion for fremtidens luftfart 

Arrangementet understreket at Nord-Norge, med sitt omfattende kortbanenettverk, ledige luftrom og tilgang på fornybar energi, er en ideell arena for testing og utvikling av grønn luftfart. Prosjektet har allerede inngått avtaler med ledende flyprodusenter og teknologileverandører, og har gjennomført vellykkede testflyginger som viser potensialet i regionen. 

Dette var en viktig møteplass som bidro til å sette Nord-Norge på kartet som en sentral aktør i utviklingen av grønn luftfart. For mer informasjon om prosjektet og fremtidige arrangementer, besøk vår nettside om grønn luftfartsutvikling.  


GREEN AVIATION, Hovednyhet, Uncategorized

BLU, Energy in North, Lofoten The Green Islands, and UiT – The Arctic University of Norway, recently participated in a briefing in Oslo hosted by Avinor and the Civil Aviation Authority. This meeting marks a central part of Avinor and the Civil Aviation Authority’s initiative to establish Norway as a leading international arena for testing and developing zero and low-emission aviation solutions. Our project “Zero Emission Regional Aviation Northern Norway” was highlighted as an example of how regional initiatives can shape the future of sustainable aviation. The meeting follows the government’s commitment of 1 billion NOK in the National Transport Plan to accelerate the transition to greener solutions in aviation. 

Norway as an international test arena for green aviation 

During the meeting, Avinor and the Civil Aviation Authority presented their initiative to make Norway an international test arena for green aviation. The initiative will leverage Norway’s unique position and infrastructure to test future aviation solutions. The delegation from Northern Norway discussed experiences and contributions to the project and shared insights on how collaboration across different sectors can accelerate the transition to climate-neutral aviation, along with representatives from across the country. 

Elnar Remi Holmen, CEO of BLU, reflected on the significance of the meeting: “Bringing key figures together to discuss and shape future aviation strategies is crucial. Our project is now receiving national attention, and this provides us the opportunity to demonstrate how innovative solutions can be practically implemented. It also puts Northern Norway on the map as a pioneering region for green aviation solutions.” 

From UiT, Geir Bakkevoll highlighted the government’s National Transport Plan’s emphasis on the need for a knowledge base to find low-emission solutions adapted to Norwegian climate, topography, and airport infrastructure. 

“UiT uses its position as the world’s northernmost university to find solutions that work under challenging Arctic conditions. This will benefit the entire global aviation industry.” 

Randi Lervik, from Lofoten The Green Islands, discussed local to global connections: “The fact that our local green initiatives are invited to the table in national plans underscores the importance of collaboration across geographical and sectoral boundaries to achieve real change.” 

Anders Tørud from Energy in North commented on the industrial perspective: “This initiative provides us a platform to explore and realize new energy solutions that can revolutionize the aviation sector. It also offers valuable opportunities to strengthen our economic landscape through new green technologies.” 

Further Plans and Opportunities: 

Participants in the meeting discussed comprehensive plans to integrate green technology into the Norwegian aviation sector, with a particular focus on how such technologies can be tested and developed through the proposed national test arena program. These dialogues will guide further strategies and strengthen the collaboration between the public and private sectors, ensuring that Norway not only follows but leads the international transition to climate-neutral aviation. 

In conclusion, the delegation from Northern Norway wishes to express the importance of the meeting. This initiative by Avinor and the Civil Aviation Authority, which brought together key players from across the country, is seen as extremely significant in light of the developments in the aviation industry and the energy sector. 

For further details about our work and the project’s progress, visit BLU’s website. Here you can find updated information about our projects and initiatives, all contributing to a more sustainable and climate-friendly future. 



During the major international aviation fair ILA Berlin from June 5 to 9 in the German capital, key players from the North Norwegian project “Zero Emission Regional Aviation Northern Norway” were highlighted as European leaders in the crucial work of green transition in the air. The project was specially invited by the German organizers to showcase how the region’s leading energy and aviation environments have rapidly developed solutions that all of Europe is now demanding.

ILA Berlin serves as a global leading meeting place for aviation this year. Northern Norway was showcased at one of the largest pavilions sponsored by the German aviation industry. The Zero Emission Regional Aviation project from Northern Norway, represented in Berlin by cluster leader Petter Bjørkli from Energi i Nord, participated alongside Norwegian e-fuel and ST1, as well as international stakeholders in a panel discussion led by the German aircraft manufacturer Deutsche Aircraft under the title: “Northern Norway as a pioneering region based on PtL.”

“Northern Norway is positioned to become a leading region in Europe for climate-neutral aviation,” says Petter Bjørkli, cluster leader at Energi i Nord. “Our invitation by the German and international aviation industry to discuss the future of climate-neutral aviation is based on the clear stance we have already taken, which we can further build upon,” Bjørkli adds.

During the opening of the ILA Berlin air fair today, Bjørkli participated along with several other figures in a panel discussion organized by the German aircraft manufacturer Deutsche Aircraft and the German Aerospace Industries Association (BDLI). Joining Bjørkli were CEO Andreas Hauptmeier from Norwegian e-fuel, Stephane Albert from engine manufacturer Pratt & Whitney, Simen Hauland from ST1 Norway, and fuel expert Patrick Leclercq from the German research institute DLR in the panel led by Regina Pouzolz, Director of Sustainability at Deutsche Aircraft.

From left to right: Regina Pouzolz – Director of Sustainability, Deutsche Aircraft | Patrick Le Clercq – DLR | Simen Hauland – ST1 | Petter Bjørkli – Cluster Leader, Energi i Nord | Karl Hauptmeier – Norwegian e-fuel | Stephane Albert – Pratt & Whitney and ICAO

“There are many solutions that together will contribute to making aviation climate-neutral, and already today, synthetic fuels known as e-fuels or Power to Liquid (PtL) are expected to play a significant role, with Northern Norway at the heart of this transition,” comments Elnar Holmen, CEO of BLU. BLU is a key collaboration partner along with Energi i Nord and Lofoten The Green Islands in the climate-neutral regional aviation project. “Synthetic fuel produced from renewable power can be used by all of today’s aircraft without technical modifications and can thus begin to play a role very soon. Norwegian e-fuel’s facility in Mosjøen is highlighted by international analysts as one of the most technically and commercially mature, and the short-haul network in Northern Norway is the solution for further testing and development,” continues Holmen.

“Together with BLU and Energi i Nord, we have collaborated for a long time with Deutsche Aircraft. Their goal is to push the boundaries of the development of climate-neutral regional aircraft that can land and take off at our short-haul airports in the north. Therefore, they are an important partner as we aim to make Lofoten a low-emission community by 2040,” says Laura Johanne Olsen, program manager for Lofoten The Green Islands. Deutsche Aircraft has recently demonstrated that they can fly exclusively on fuel that minimizes CO2 emissions and other climate impacts, such as contrails, which we find very exciting,” adds Olsen.

The commitment to climate-neutral aviation in Nordland is essential both for the environment and for strengthening the regional short-haul network in Northern Norway. With international recognition and a focus on the short-haul network as the primary testing area for green aviation technologies, we ensure vital use of the region’s airports. This is fundamental to maintaining accessibility and mobility for the population in the vast parts of the region. Here we see opportunities for the development of new infrastructure and business that will potentially secure new jobs and drive economic growth in the region.

Check out the press release in the regional newspaper: